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Artist Wes Giesbrecht collaborates with online redirection service TrafficShaping to create a new medium for interactive expression

FERNDALE, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Ferndale, Washington-based TrafficShaping has collaborated with Vancouver, British Columbia-area artist Wes Giesbrecht to create interactive wall sculptures that utilize QR codes to deliver custom messages.

“TrafficShaping was selected as a collaboration partner for this project because their service allows the collector to make unlimited edits to their destination Internet address”

The partnership with TrafficShaping allows collectors to modify the destination Internet address for their artwork. Viewers can enjoy the beauty of the fine wood tiles as a modern-day mosaic or scan the artwork with their smart phone. When scanned, the viewer will be redirected to an Internet destination of the collector’s choosing.

Each piece is constructed of thin one-inch aspen and thermally enhanced oak tiles. The one-inch tiles are each hand finished and secured to burlap canvas. Each sculpture hangs from a french cleat system located along the upper edge creating a special flow to the work.

“The ability to edit the destination Internet address for the pieces created by Wes is truly unique. A collector can change the destination based on current events, trends or interests as a form of artistic expression,” observed David McInnis, owner of Fairhaven Originals Gallery, in Bellingham, WA.

TrafficShaping was selected as a collaboration partner for this project because their service allows the collector to make unlimited edits to their destination Internet address,” commented Mr. Giesbrecht.

The art is further enhanced by the use of TrafficShaping’s rules-based filters that allow the collector to redirect viewers based on a number of variables including time of day, day of week and device type used to read the QR code.

Each piece is tied to a custom domain name pre-paid and registered to the collector for a period of ten years. Each piece includes unlimited access to the TrafficShaping service and a script to allow the collector to host the technology on their own server resources should they desire.

About TrafficShaping
TrafficShaping is a URL shortening service developed by Cranberry Venture Partners to provide enhanced URL shortening functionality to Internet and search engine marketers.

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