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Unicoaster 2.0 rolls into IAAPA

Chance Rides was offering sample trips on its Unicoaster 2.0 product during the IAAPA conference. Originally built as a circular flat ride, the product is now available as a fully engineered roller coaster. The powered vehicle moves along the track, while guests use a joystick to control what direction their seats face. The controls are dynamic: a slow push rotates the car slowly but a heavier push flips the seats over quickly.

The height minimum for the attraction is only 48 inches, which allows younger children to experience the attraction.

The track for the ride remains fairly flat, since it is not gravity powered, but is capable of achieving up to a 15% grade. Customers can dictate the track layout, and it can be built at any height. The ride’s central PLC controls the attraction speed, which can be variable or set at a constant rate.

Also at the show, Chance Rides showcased the Electric C.P. Huntington, a lithium-ion battery powered locomotive. Designed for a full day of use, batteries are recharged while the train is in the station loading and unloading passengers. One mile of track reduces the battery charge by 10%, and it requires only 8 minutes to fully recharge. The train can hold up to 196 people, the same as the standard engine version.

According to Chance Rides, the zero-emissions model is popular with operators like zoos and conservation-minded attractions around the country.

For more information, visit Chance Rides.

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