Sunday, May 12, 2024

Christie and Design Silverfish collaborate again for Korean folktales exhibition

Christie laser projectors have brought to life the stories of various deities from ancient Korean folktales at an ongoing exhibition taking place at the National Folk Museum of Korea, which highlights the daily life and culture of Korean people over the ages.

Titled “The Mysterious Village,” this immersive digital exhibition consists of six fascinating themed zones that are each dedicated to a specific deity that has lived among people from past till present. Technology such as projection mapping and augmented reality (AR) have been utilized for various displays to invoke a sense of realism and immerse visitors in the mythical world. The exhibition runs until October 11.

Media production firm Design Silverfish was responsible for the content and projection design, as well as the installation of 17 Christie D20WU-HS 1DLP laser projectors across all exhibition zones. Known for its space direction and media content production, Design Silverfish had previously mesmerized guests with visuals at the Delight Seoul, Curious 12 Tales and Delight Seongnam multimedia exhibitions — also executed with Christie laser projection.

Gyeongtae Hong, CEO, Design Silverfish, said, “This exhibition has been meticulously planned with the active participation of our U.K. branch as a new immersive and realistic content production that goes beyond conventional methods of expression used by existing national museums. In particular, the direction was conceived through data collection on various European exhibitions by our London-based designer Younsook Im.”

Images courtesy of Christie.

Visitors can enjoy detailed images displayed on numerous large screens and surfaces by the Christie D20WU-HS laser projectors fitted discreetly overhead in all exhibition zones, namely “Jangseung and Sotdae Protect Their Town,” “Sansin Gives Peace,” “Jeoseungsin Works Together with the Death,” “Gasin Protects Their Home,” “Yongsin Brings Rain,” and “Dokkaebi Returns with a Big Catch.”

In “Jangseung and Sotdae Protect Their Town,” the deities that dwell in Jangseung (village guardian posts) and Sotdae (sacred poles) to guard and protect villagers are given a new lease of life through displays achieved using two D20WU-HS projectors. Other favorites include the “Yongsin Brings Rain” and “Dokkaebi Returns with a Big Catch,” which are each lit by four D20WU-HS projectors. The former features floor and curved screen projections to provide an immersive viewing experience of a tale about two dragons. The latter showcases a mischievous goblin set against images of the sea and night sky on an ultra-wide screen.

Paul Lee, sales manager for Korea, Enterprise, Christie, commented, “‘The Mysterious Village’ immersive digital exhibition has brilliantly combined state-of-the-art projection and AR technology with a passion for the retelling of classic Korean folktales. Design Silverfish has once again demonstrated its expertise in the creation and execution of innovative and stunning visual contents that are flawlessly displayed using our D20WU-HS laser projectors to provide visitors with an extraordinary museum experience.”

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