The Skinny on InPark
I just finished reading your first issue, and enjoyed it. However, it seemed a little on the…slim side. Is that all you have to offer?
Dave via Internet
Thanks, Dave. We’re glad you like InPark. Actually, you might have noticed by now that our second issue (the one you are holding) is TWICE as big as the first one. Though we can’t keep doubling the page count each issue, we are looking to increase the content AND quality of InPark for a while to come.
Paid Endorser?
I just wanted to get a hold of you concerning subscription for your magazine. I must say that I am impressed with the quality of your premier issue and it looks like something I will continue to enjoy with new issues.
Andrew, Sandusky, OH
Thanks for the feedback, Andrew. Unfortunately, we are not available at your local bookstore or corner drugstore.
So subscriptions are the way to go. The best place to get more information is from our website, But you can always call us for information as well. By the time you read this, we’ll even be able to accept credit cards! How’s that for advanced technology??
I’m just wondering…what is your favorite park and attraction?
Mandy via Internet
After receiving your inquiry, we took a formal poll of everyone who has contributed to InPark, made error corrections, verified the results and determined that…we couldn’t pick just one! There are so many different types of parks that we can’t really compare them all. Besides, wouldn’t people be confused if we said something other than Cedar Point or Holiday World? Only kidding… That being said, there are some really neat attractions being designed for 2005, and we’re quite pleased parks are looking more towards themed entertainment that appeals to a broad audience.
Your publication looks good, but sometimes it is hard to read all the text.
Robert, San Luis Obispo, CA
Sometimes our desire to be fashionable gets in the way of function. To punish our designers we made them watch that awful Brady Bunch show where they go to Kings Island over and over and over… They quickly promised to make the publication “way more dreamy.”
Got a question or a comment? Send it to us at [email protected]. We’ll do our best to respond with as much wit and charm as we can muster.