Message from Chance Rides:“The Chance Rides newly expanded booth at the 2012 IAAPA Attractions Expo featured theSunliner II people mover, a diesel engine C.P. Huntington Locomotive (show unit still available), the Freestyle, our newest portable ride, and the R80XL Observation Wheel.
“While at the show new contracts were signed with Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium in Phoenix, AZ for a custom designed family coaster scheduled to deliver in early 2014 and another with Beech Bend Park in Bowling Green, KY for a Revolution 20 opening spring 2013. These new orders plus our existing sales will make for a very busy upcoming year at the Chance Rides factory. Thanks to all of you who came out to visit us at the show. In case you did not get to stop by please take a look at our brand new company video titled The Next 50 Years.”