A story set in the year 2100, where the climate crisis has affected all life on planet Earth. Kraftwerk Living Technologies (KLT), global specialist for integrated media technology solutions and media-based attractions, has developed an exciting educational attraction, based on a story by Fractal Picture, and wrapped it up in an patented concept — the first of their Transforming Theater concepts. Using their award-winning Hybrid Dome mechanical and visual platform, they have created a media-based attraction entitled “Sun Dark” to meet the growing demand for high-end entertainment that delivers a message, in a configuration not built to date.
Complete with a queue line and pre-show that sets the story in motion, the audience enters what appears to be a unique themed theater space, but Sun Dark has many secrets and tricks. From the first moment to the last the audience is immersed in the story through complex motion, massive visuals and explosive sound. As the attraction has been developed from the ground up, the team has had the advantage of tailoring each technical element to suit the stunning storyline, taking guests on a journey like no other they have experienced before.
Images courtesy of Kraftwerk Living Technologies / Fractal Picture.
Thrilling for all audience age groups and using fun, educational and inspiring storytelling, “Sun Dark” delivers a strong and clear message about our need to work together globally, using the power of innovation to ensure a sustainable future for all.