Friday, January 17, 2025

Keeping your [guests] cool

compiled by Brian Szaks

As the summer months approach, the sun is shining, and the temperatures are rising. Here are a few great ways to keep your guests cool while making your cash registers sizzle.


Industrial fans with mister nozzles. Several major theme parks have placed these throughout their pathways and queues. Although it does not directly bring profit to your park, your guests will surely appreciate it.


Themed water playgrounds. Becoming more and more popular each year, dancing fountains covered with crumb rubber (recycled tires) mixed with urethane create a soft wet play area. From toddler to senior, these fountains attract and cool them all.


Misty Mate Personal Cooling Systems ( Complete with belt clip, Guests can carry their own air conditioning anywhere they go. Offered on the company website for $18.00 – $30.00, these enticing sellers could really bring some profit into your merchandise budget.


Cool Zones. From company sponsored (Coca-Cola Cool Zones) to park made models (Indiana Beach) these mist concentrated areas are a great resting point for guests.


Pay Water Cannons. Bringing in extra profit without manpower is a park’s dream. Placed along water rides at strategic points, “sideline guests” have the opportunity to blast guests on the ride with water for a small fee – usually a quarter a shot.


Setpoint’s SwingThing ( Part rollercoaster, part water adventure, this attraction has it all. Armed with a few gallons of water, guests take off on a swinging adventure dodging fountains, geysers, and water curtains all while attempting to soak those below, who are also armed with cannons. A true crowd pleaser!


Mister fans. Miniature versions of the large-scale industrial models, these battery powered fans with soft foam blades sell like hotcakes. Appealing to kids on the fun factor and adults for their practicality, they can be sold for around $15.00 and pull in profit.


Interactive play areas. Ranging from smaller installations such as the “spitter pen” in Camp Jurassic at Islands of Adventure to the new Skull Island at Six Flags over Georgia, these unique ways to cool down become an attraction in itself.


Theming Attributes. Leaky tanks, squirting tiki gods, gushing fire hydrants, and spitting camels are just a few ways that parks have incorporated theming with the element of a cooling surprise.


Drinks. Adding additional locations for guests to purchase beverages will definitely raise your bottom line! Don’t forget carts, kiosks, gift shops, and bars. Any location can sell a bottle of water or can of soda.

Image credits:

10. Cool Zone USA, 9. Paramount’s Great America, 8. Misty Mate,

7. Cool Zone USA, 6. Paramount’s Great America, 5. SetPoint,

4. Squeeze Breeze, 3. Universal Orlando, 2. Universal Orlando,

1. Random soda bottles

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